Sunday, June 28, 2009
Started a Sinhala Blog
පටන් ගැන්ම
The Web Feels The Impact of Michael Jackson's Death
Several prominent sites experience marked downtime
Some might say the Pope while others might say President Obama. It's total speculation; an argument can be made for just about any well-known person.
Could "The King of Pop" have been considered the most famous person in the world? With global album sales somewhere between 700-750 million, a career that spanned nearly 50 years, two widely covered pedophilia charges and various charitable contributions... Michael Jackson, quite possibly, was the most famous person in the world.
සිංහලෙන් ලිවීම
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
A GOOD STORY - Son and the Dad
Always remember.... .
"Things are to be used and people are to be loved"
But the problem in today's world is....
"People are being USED & Things are being LOVED"
Monday, June 22, 2009
Give your 100%
Hey This is very true ................................................
A Small Story.
A boy and a girl were playing together. The boy had a collection of marbles. The girl had some sweets with her. The boy told the girl that he will give her all his marbles in exchange for her sweets. The girl agreed.
The boy kept the biggest and the most beautiful marble aside and gave the rest to the girl. The girl gave him all her sweets as she had promised.
That night, the girl slept peacefully. But the boy couldn't sleep as he kept wondering if the girl had hidden some sweets from him the way he had hidden his best marble.
Moral of the story: If you don't give your hundred percent in a relationship, you'll always keep doubting if the other person has given his/her hundred percent.. This is applicable for any relationship like love, employer-employee relationship etc., Give your hundred percent to everything you do and sleep peacefully
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Twitter Applications List You'll Ever Need
Friday, June 19, 2009
100+ Twitter-Smart Ideas to Maximize Your Twitter Business Strategy
NOTE: There are a lot of wimpy "Twitter Tip Lists" out there; this is NOT one of them. These 100+ Twitter Tips go from insightful Twitter toddler level to explosive Twitter-bomb advanced. Even if you think you're a Twitter social or Twitter business pro, you might want to start from the beginning - this is one hefty shovel full of "Twitter How-to" ready for you to Digg.
NOTE 2: All 100 Twittin' Secrets are complete and have been posted across multiple internet sites, blogs and other innovative locations such as within theiGoogle iTwitter Tab and the MyTwitter Toolbar.
Individuals who follow Dan Hollings on Twitter will be notified as new tips and secrets are revealed and where they are posted.
NOTE 3: Feel free to use, expand upon, comment and share these Twitter tips, secrets & strategies as you wish (all 100 are free), but please credit or link back properly so that everyone may benefit from knowing the original source. I welcome feedback and commenting.
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The Top 5 Ways Smart People Use Twitter
To be honest, my first impression of Twitter was that it was for folks who had way too much time on their hands who narcissistically wanted to broadcast every random thought that crossed their brains.
While this may be true in some instances, there are also some very smart, professional, forward thinking people whom I respect who are using Twitterintelligently.
17 Ways You Can Use Twitter: A Guide for Beginners, Marketers and Business Owners
Twitter is a micro blogging platform which allows you to publish short messages of less than 140 characters through different mediums like IM, cellphones and the web.
It has a social element as well, as it allows users to befriend and monitor each other’s messages or updates. So what you have here is a publishing tool that can be either public and private.
It is similar to an IRC channel although messages are displayed less rapidly. Some have called it a slower version of internet messengers.
Testing blog from Zoundry Raven
This is a testing blog written from Zoundry Raven, an offline blog writer.
Technorati : Zoundry Raven, offline blog writer
Thursday, June 18, 2009
How to Get Up and Start Taking Photos
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Opera Turns Your Computer Into a Server
"But it's also a client."
The product is called Opera Unite, and it is available at What Opera Unite does, is basically turn your computer into both a client and a server. It eliminates the need for third-party servers.
Monday, June 15, 2009
The best Twitter Desktop App I have found so far - DestroyTwitter
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Best Twitter tool I have found so far - Tweepular
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Facebook Moves Further Into Twitter Territory
Lets Users Subscribe to Friends' Updates Via Text Message
Facebook is now offering its users the ability to receive their friends' status updates via text message on their phones. If you click on the "subscribe via SMS" link below your friends' profile pics, you get their latest updates this way.
Sound familiar? That's probably because you can do basically the same thing with Twitter. This is just the latest example of Facebook acknowleging (without coming right out and saying it) that they view Twitter as a major competitor. If this wasn't evident enough upon the last major redesign change, which switched to a Twitter-esque real-time status feed, it's even more clear now.

Facebook is certainly the dominant force in social networking currently, but there was a time when you might've said the same about MySpace. Twitter continues to grow rapidly (despite retention issues). It's not really showing any signs of slowing yet, and Facebook is well aware of this.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
A new Twitter tool

Friend or Follow is pretty self-explanatory, you enter in your Twitter username and it gives you three tabs of information.

Following (who your following, but not following you back), fans (who's following you, but your not following them back) and friends (people who you follow and they follow you back.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Intel Puts Mobile MPUs in Ultrathin Package
Business Wire, 6/2/2009
At Compudex this week, Intel introduced four new processors, "all in a slim, sleek package," said Mooly Eden, vice president and general manager of the Mobile Platforms Group at Intel. More
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
3D Stereograms

- You have to relax your eyes to get the result. you can do it by looking at an object far away from you, an object around 10 feets also will do the job. The theory is to make the sights of the eyes parellal to each other.
- Then keep the image infront of one eye and slowly move it towards both eyes, not loosing your distance focus.
- Allow the picture to come in to focus. (not that you should look at the picture)
- Repeat this until you succeed.
- Enjoy the 2D effect of the image.

- To practice keeping your eyes focused far away, hold the picture in front of one eye while the other eye holds the focus on distant objects in the room.
- The key is to keep your eyes relaxed. Relaxed eyes will come into position such that.
- You are not technically crossing your eyes to view the picture, but forcing them to view two different pictures, due to the spacing of the pattern in the stereogram.
- A small segment of the population does not have stereovision, and will not ever be able to view stereograms.
- It often takes several tries to get it (perhaps 30 minutes or more!), but once you see your first one, the others will come easier!
- If you get good enough, you don't even have to move the picture or your face, you can just cross your eyes correctly and it will appear.
- If you feel your eyes manually focusing, start over from the beginning.
Make 3D videos your own
from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Ever wanted to make a fun 3D video? This is how!
Things You'll Need
- Two Cameras (preferably the same model)
- 3D Glasses
- A Video Editor
- a lot of patience
- simple video editing software
- The slightest angle difference in the cameras will completely ruin the whole shot. Make sure the lenses are level with one another.
- Check the "Things You'll Need" Section. Get your two cameras, and make sure the lenses are 2-8 (three works best, but the greater the more 3D effect) inches apart. It helps to create a device that holds them both from the tripod screw spots on the bottom.
- Film whatever you want in 3D with both cameras.
- Upload both videos into your video editor.
- Make one of the videos (let's say the left camera's video) have a red overlay. Make the right camera's video have a blue overlay. The result should be the same video, twice, in two colors, three inches apart.
- Place both videos into your editor, on top of each other, so you can see them both at once. The result should be almost purple and you should have a somewhat "double-vision" look to it.
- Export this video, and play it, while wearing those Red-Blue 3D glasses and it should work. If not, you should try experimenting with the settings.
- If need be, switch the colors to darker or lighter shades. Maybe even try changing the distance of the lenses.
- Make sure you can "Place both videos on top of each other" with whatever "simple" editing software you have
- You must make sure that your two videos are in exact sync with each other, otherwise you will get a poor result. Use a camera flash to sync videos.
- When editing these videos together, it also sometimes helps to remove the audio from one of the videos.
- While recording, the cameras must be perfectly aligned. Check if they are aligned with a level.
Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Make 3−D Videos. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.
Share videos on Twitter
The easiest way to share videos on Twitter
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