Saturday, February 27, 2010

Google Makes Facebook Pages a Higher Priority for Businesses

From WebPro News

Google announced via Twitter this week, that public status updates from Facebook are now included in the search engine's real-time search feature. That means the largest social network in the world is getting play in Google's real-time search alongside Twitter, MySpace, and others, and these real-time results are often featured prominently on the first page of search results for the hottest queries. 

Apparently only updates from Facebook PAGES are indexed, and according to Danny Sullivan, that includes links, status updates, photos, videos shared by page owners (not comments made by the fans).  Any Facebook update (from regular user profiles) can be shared publicly, so I wonder why these aren't being pulled. Results from Twitter and other places aren't only from branded sources.

>>Become a fan of WebProNews on Facebook <<

This seems to indicate that brands should be getting a good amount of play for Facebook appearances in Google's real-time search results, and possibly in the real-time search results in general (due to Facebook's huge user-base). Right now, Facebook isn't dominating the results, but that is bound to change with it being the largest (by far) social network on the web. 

Google Announces that Facebook status updates are now included in Google's real-time search results

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Six More Features Graduate From Gmail Labs

from WebPro News

It looks like the people in charge of Gmail Labs have decided to do a little spring (or more accurately, late winter) cleaning.  They've removed a full 11 experimental features from Labs, with six of the bunch becoming regular Gmail features and the other five failing to make the cut.

Many of the "graduated" features are ones you're probably familiar with, or can at least guess the functions of.  Forgotten Attachment Detector, YouTube Previews, Custom Label Colors, and Vacation Dates all fall under this heading.

The last two approved features are Search Autocomplete and Go To Label, and a post on theOfficial Gmail Blog covers the only tricky parts, explaining, "If you have keyboard shortcuts turned on, type 'g' then 'l' and instead of getting the old 'Go to label' pop-up, you'll be in the search box with the 'label:' operator filled in for you.  Start typing the label you want to go to, and autocomplete will take it from there.  All you have to do is hit enter.  If you want to send your cursor to the blank search field, the keyboard shortcut '/' will do it."

As for the experimental features that've been dropped, they're called Muzzle, Fixed Width Font, Email Addict, Location in Signature, and Random Signature.  And a lack of popularity is the main reason they didn't make it further, in case you were wondering.

Anyway, Google's likely to introduce more Gmail Labs features to replace all of this stuff before long.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reasons to Have a Facebook Page and Ways to Make it Better

From Web Pro News

I don't have to tell you that Facebook can be a tremendous source of web traffic. There's a good chance that most of the people you know are on it, and the ones who aren't may be eventually. The social network is consuming more and more of people's time, and thanks to mobile devices, it is always accessible. If you don't have a Facebook Page, you may be missing out on not only traffic to your site, but a chance to engage with customers and ultimately help your brand's reputation. 

One of our blog partners, Jay Baer, of Convince&Convert wrote a great piece about why you need Facebook for your company. He highlights "11 things you need to know." These things include how Facebook has 350 Million global users and counting (although Facebook has sinced announced reaching the 400 million user milestone), and how the average Facebook user spends 55 minutes per day on FacebookNearly 80,000 sites use Facebook Connect.